The Centurion Guard

Centurion guards have passed and are qualified under all PNP Training requirements, having completed the Pre-licensing Training Course.

Centurion guards are graduates of the Centurion Security Training Academy, a PNP-SOSIA (Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies) and TESDA accredited training institution and a member of the Philippine Association of Recognized Security Training Schools, Inc. (PARSTS, Inc.).

All Centurion guards are duly licensed as required by RA 5487 (The Private Security Agency Law) having undergone and passed the Neuro-Psychiatric, Drug test and physical examinations.

Probationary Period

All Centurion guards go through a six (6) months probationary period wherein their performance and efficiency are monitored and undergo two (2) probationary guards’ seminars before acquiring regular status.

In-Service/Re-Training Course

All Centurion guards undergo an in-service/re-training course (NC 2) every three (3) years prior to the renewal of their licenses.

Deployment and Discipline

Client establishments with more than three (3) security guards are assigned a Head guard tasked with coordinating with the guards and assisting the client with the proper dissemination and enforcement of company policies. A shift-in-charge (SIC) is designated to take charge of security guards manning the different shifts. A Detachment Supervisor (DS) is deployed in client establishments with fifty (50) or more guards.

Head guards meet every last Sunday of the month with the Operations Department Heads to discuss concerns, evaluate the guards’ performance, correct their deficiencies and to undergo continuous security training seminars.

Headguard's meeting

The whole geographic area of Region VII is divided into Area 1 (MEPZ, Lapulapu City Areas), Area 2 (Cebu City Proper) and Area 3 (Mandaue City, Northern & Southern Cebu, Bohol, Tacloban and Iloilo) headed by Operations Area Heads and their assistants.

Centurion’s inspection team conducts day visibility and night inspections.

A Grievance Machinery that includes administrative hearing and investigation in accordance with due process requirements is in place. All guards are oriented and given a copy of Centurion’s Code of Offenses and Penalties Manual.




To ensure efficiency, honesty, loyalty and devotion to duty, Centurion guards receive the wages and benefits mandated by law:

  • Night shift differential pay          
  • 5 days incentive leave                  
  • 13th month pay      
  • Uniform allowance                      
  • Pag-ibig (contribution & loan)   
  • SSS (contribution & loan)           
  • Paternity leave/maternity leave
  • Retirement benefits (Centurion’s Retirement Plan and fund is approved by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and managed by METROBANK)

Centurion has also established and given the following benefits:

  • Provident fund
  • Life insurance
  • Death-in-aid
  • Group Health Insurance



Distribution of 13th month every December


1. School Program

Employees and security guards are encouraged to enroll in local universities for self-advancement, provided it will not interfere with their official duties. Requests are processed and approved by the Centurion management. A tie-up with a local university allows tuition fee discounts for Centurion employees.

2. Centurion Cooperative/ Canteen


A multi-purpose cooperative was established in 1991 to enable management, staff and guards to avail of loans, goods and other services as shareholders. Dividends are distributed every May or June each year.

3. Combat Aikido Club


On March 14, 1993, a Combat Aikido Club was organized with chief instructor Sensei Jack C. Rosal to enhance the physical fitness and proficiency of security officers and guards in hand to hand combat.